Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bash Tip of the Day! variable tricks

One very little known part of Bash is variable substitution and matching. Say you have a script where you want to use the value of a variable if it has a value, but use a default value if it is null, you can use the following example:


This will assign the value of ${CURVAL} to ${NEWVAL} if not null, otherwise it will assign the value of default to ${NEWVAL}. Note that this will not change the value of ${CURVAL} -- although that is possible with the following example:


Another great trick to use with Bash are the substitution operators. I am often trying to solve problems where I take a filename and I would like to remove a part of the name which is a consistent pattern and manipulate the filename to a new format. Logrotate often appends a dot and a number to filenames which is a great thing, but sometimes that is not desireable after the fact. You can easily change this:

export FILE=maillog.12

This might be more useful as a small script to rename rotated files to date-related files:

FILELIST=$(find /var/log/ -type f -name "*maillog*" -print)

for file in ${FILELIST}
DATE=$(date +%Y%m%d)
HOUR=$(tail -n 1 ${file} | awk '{print $3}' | awk -F: '{print $1$2}')
mv ${file} /new/location/${BASE}-${DATE}-${HOUR}.log

And with that you have an archive location with each file named to indicate the date and time of the log.

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